Project Ekopolis
The Basic information about the Ekopolis
Official name: Development of a methodical manual
for an educational activity focused on the environmental
Identification number of the project: CZ.
The goal of the project is to create an attractive board
game which could be utilized in a variety of purposes regarding the
general environmental education. Each student will play a role of a
mayor who is developing his or her city and must balance the
economical, social and environmental aspects while doing so. The
project will also include a thorough methodical manual and
worksheets designed to help the teachers, and also an internet
platform enabling the students to fulfill the additional tasks
connected to their actual surroundings.
Who is the project designed for?
It is, above all, designed for the students and teachers
ranging from the 4th to 9th grades of the
basic schools (including mixed classes) and for the students
attending parallel grades at junior high schools. This activity can
also be employed in the first year of senior high
Why to work with Ekopolis in your school?
Environmental education is not always easily incorporated
into the curriculum and taught in a comprehensive and dynamic way.
The Ekopolis project represents an attractive and effective aid
which can not only improve the students' knowledge in the field,
but also aims at changing their attitudes and values. Students will
face a hypothetical situation in which they will have to make
decisions independently and their success will depend on their
ability to account for different features and interconnections of
the relationship between human beings and the environment. The
additional worksheets and projects will then enable them to apply
the game situations to their particular surroundings.
What does the Ekopolis project concretely
A sufficient number of game sets to be used in a
Thoroughly prepared materials for teachers to be used as a
part of the environmental education (suggestions on how to
incorporate the game into the lessons, suggestions for further
projects connected to the game, web applications for further
utilization of the game).
A financial aid for a project coordinator at school who
should secure the organization of all the activities connected to
the game.
The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and
the Czech Republic. It has been accepted and is running from the
school year 2009/2010 to 2011/2012 at schools throughout the Czech
Republic (with the exception of Prague where it is not possible to
support the project). Thanks to the financial support of the
structural funds of the EU, it is provided free of charge to all
schools involved in the project.